Electrification Survey
In collaboration with the Global Climate Strike on September 20, 2024, the Eco-Justice Collaborative invites all Quakers in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting to help us develop a baseline of information and a  community of support to help all of us reduce carbon emissions by electrifying our lives.  

Please respond to each question.  We will publish the results in the EJC newsletter in the aggregate.  We will not publish any individual results in any form.  The results of this survey will also help inform our planning for a  Thread Gathering on the Climate Crisis this winter.
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Meeting/Organization *
Home Address *
City  *
State/Province  *
Zip Code *
Addressing Climate Change: Have you taken or are you planning any of the following actions to lower your carbon footprint? Please let us know whether you have already done this action, plan to in the future, or have no plans to do this action.
Energy Efficiency
Action Taken
No plan
Added insulation
Improved air sealing (draft proofing)
Improved windows
Appliance efficiency

Electrification: replace fossil fuel with electricity.     Have you replaced a fossil fuel appliance with a high efficiency electric one?

Action Taken
No Plan
Induction stove
Heat pump heater & AC
Heat pump water heater
Heat pump clothes dryer

Transportation: How do you get around ?

All the Time
Most of the Time
Electric vehicle
Plug-in hybrid
Public transportation

Increased use of renewable energy

Action Taken
Action Planned
No Plan
Install a solar system
Install a ground source heat pump
Buy renewable energy from a third party supplier

Community Support

Do you need help/advice on any of these steps?
  If yes, what do you need?
Do you need more information on tax credits and rebates? *
Do you have any questions or suggestions for us?
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